Friday, 30 November 2007

Countdown begins

I'll be home in only a few weeks. Woo hoo. I went back to A&E (ER here) on tuesday cause i just wasn't feeling right. I think i'm just psycho somatic and paranoid because I felt fine almost as soon as I got in there. They kept me overnight, this time in the Acute Stroke Unit and sent me home the next after noon (after threatening to keep me there another night--okay not threatening but telling me i might have to). I didn't sleep at all that night because they didn't move me to the ward until about 5:30 AM and then they wake everyone up super early in the hospital.

Damn. I don't want to do taht again.

But i'm almost home and almost to NYC to see some awesome friends! can't wait.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

down south

heading to manchester today! finally traveling some where other than dundee. gonna see christina. gonna be great!

hopefully awesome pictures to come!

[edit: didn't take one damn photo but had tons of fun]

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Sunny and 43

It's actually a beautiful day. But i'm inside hacking up a lung, sneezing, sniffling, and overall feeling like shit. Luckily, I don't have any class or obligations today so I can just lie in bed and watch the beautiful (if a little too cold for my taste) weather outside.

At the rugby game in Dundee on Sunday no one told me it's always colder there and silly me only wore a sweatshirt to watch the game. It also decided to drop ten degrees during that day all around scotland so now... I'm sick. Though stupid me only wore the sweatshirt, smart me bought a Tescos men's sweatshirt when we stopped in tescos after the game to grab some food before heading back to Glasvegas. The tag said 18 GBP but I only spent 13 on the sweatshirt, a sandwhich and a diet coke. Now I have a really nice and warm grey sweatshirt that i might try turning into a badger costume. Score 1 for me!

It's a little depressing that my "travels" have only included Dundee and London, but that whole blood clot issue kind of took away all of october and now I'm far too lazy with far too little time left before I head home for Christmas (well actually texas for christmas and NYC for new years). Trying to get my life back to normal is actually kind of hard. Anxiety and paranoia over my health is affecting me mentally, but luckily i'm basically back to normal physically. I still get exhausted easier than before (and hiking up the hill is not fun right now when i'm congested and unable to breath normally), but I'm functioning nearly at normal.

Last night, I went to a pub quiz with some of the rugby girls at The Loft on Ashton Lane. We won. We kicked ass. It was to raise money for the sailing club and we kicked those sailing boys' asses. Well we didn't actually kick ass till about the 3 round when we realized we were some how ahead of everyone else. It did get close right before the final round when we were tied with the sailors, but we pulled through the true/false round (thanks to Jen knowing that america does indeed have drive through funeral homes--my contribution to that was: "well we have a lot of drive thru everythings so why not") and won. Our prize: 100 GBP bar tab (all in one sitting and before 30/11/07 but still!). That includes food and drink. Well split 7 ways... we'll get quite a bit of bang for our buck especially since my contribution will be drinking two really expensive glasses of champagne (2 units and Doctor approved).

FYI I did kick ass in the few american questions such as... which comes first in the year? The Superbowl, Kentucky Derby, and World Series. UH... DUH... but apparently people just don't know that here.

Anyway, I'm off to go back to bed and drink more chesty cough in hope that I'll be over this cold. i did see the doctor it is in fact a cold, not a sinus infection or bronchitis, and no i won't die from it--though that was my fear earlier which proves i'm paranoid about every little sniffle and cough post stroke. grrrrreat.

PS this spring i'm applying for my PHD here. Wish me luck!

Saturday, 10 November 2007

The hat!

Modeled by my flat mate.

The Polo

I have now spent two nights this week at this excellent gay club pulling gay men. Its actually fun being the sober one on these nights out with the team. Mainly cause im the only one who remembers it. This is a friend in the cowboy hat i bought for three pounds outside the bar/club. I then traded it for a pink one with a tiara on it. Amazing! Picture of said hat to follow soon.

There were also a lot of men in kilts at the club tonight. I didn't ask them for my poll, but it's damn brave to come in full scottish regalia to a club and dance. Not to mention is must be freakin' hot with the jackets, the shirts, the socks, and the kilt. Still. My friends and I were discussing it and kilts just make any man more attractive. It doesn't do wonders but mmm mmm mmm!

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Guy fawkes day

This is the remains of the rather large bon fire by the old church on my street. Plus they have more fire works here the the states do on the fourth. of course it's the neds, or the chavs, who are setting them off and it might be that i'm in a highly residential area of a good size city and not in the spacious 'burbs of kansas that makes it seem like there's more fireworks than in kansas (and we do have some big ones). I guess if I took the hometown, corporate woods, and lake shows and put them much closer together it might be similar. who knows. but they've been blowing shit up in my street for days now (before and after--monday was the holiday btw). Seeing smoke outside your 4th floor window is a little disconcerning. But speaking of fires. the alarm in the building went off as soon as i stepped out of the shower. I was not amused, but luckily it was silenced within 30 seconds and i didn't have to run outside in the cold.

I love this team

Tho it really sucks that i cant play, this group of girls make it a bit better. This was at practice . Playing the vets who have a game soon. Any way another belated post is coming up now that this is working again.